Up to the task - Words More answers
Looking for endless fun in an exciting brain-teasing app? Look no further than Words More - the new and wonderful word game created by Joy Vendor, the mastermind behind some of the best puzzle games on both the Android and Apple stores. Each pack in Words More contains more than 8 levels, with themes ranging from Departures to USA, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, and Australia. What's even better is that all the words in the game have been discovered by our team, and we'll continue to add new ones on a daily basis! However, if you find yourself struggling with a particular level - such as "Up to the task" - don't hesitate to leave a comment below, and we'll be happy to assist you. So, if you're stuck and can't find the right solution, feel free to send us a comment!
Up to the task
The answer to this question:
More answers from this level:
- Offering in The New Yorker:
- Shortened word, for short:
- One who drinks too much:
- Dole's 1996 running mate:
- College athlete:
- Motorcycle racing tracks:
- Pushed-in bulletin board hardware:
- "We're on!":
- __ of the tongue:
- Remedies; poison cures:
- Proof of purchase:
- The "I"of MIT:
- Grand-scale, like Ramayana:
- "Okey-doke":
- A bedtime farewell:
- National park known for its red cliffs:
- Supercilious and superior sort:
- Faint identifying design on paper:
- Extremely loyal:
- Talk drunkenly:
- Homeowner's document:
- We Can Ride This: Large African mammal:
- We Can Ride This: Triathlon vehicle:
- We Can Ride This: Ride on a route:
- We Can Ride This: Child's wheels:
- We Can Ride This: Gymnastics staple:
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