Words More Level 757
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Level 757 - Bitter Thing
Arya Stark's father on "Game of Thrones":
Make a copy, or have offspring:
Distributions according to a plan:
Without financial gain; charitable organization:
Music genre that experienced a '50s-'60s revival:
W-X-Y-Z for an encyclopedia (Abbr.):
Result of a terrible event; period following disaster:
Good for growing; like loamy soil:
Medical consultants; experts in a field:
Female fashion accessory with straps:
Director's cry when making a film:
Mayonnaise ingredient; nest item:
Hurry away on foot; move fast:
Tree that's often a street name:
Item found on top of a wrapped present:
"Give us this day __ daily bread":
Bitter Thing: Common lawn weed:
Bitter Thing: Cabbage without a head:
Bitter Thing: Vegetable with a head:
Bitter Thing: Power to recall:
Bitter Thing: Pharmacy tablet:
Bitter Thing: Morning need for many:
Bitter Thing: Put on a happy face:
Bitter Thing: Rosemary or sage:
Bitter Thing: Bar pint contents:
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