Words More Level 301
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Level 301 - 301.xml
5-Letter 'C' Words: Put a stop to:
Probability of something happening:
Exciting news that captivates attention:
Happenings that can range from mundane to extraordinary:
Artistic expression that invites viewer participation:
Skilled and capable of accomplishing tasks:
Ridiculed or teased in an unkind way:
5-Letter 'C' Words: String quartet strings:
Versatile plant used in textiles, foods, and supplements:
Organizations that release financial securities:
Claiming without proven evidence or facts:
5-Letter 'C' Words: Shipped stuff:
Devices that pick up radio or TV signals:
Sound made to silence someone:
Combustible substance used to power vehicles:
5-Letter 'C' Words: Guard dog's restraint:
Greek letter, used in mathematics and science:
Abbreviation for "grandmother":
5-Letter 'C' Words: Ascend a mountain or wall:
Sound of hesitation while speaking:
Soft material used for cushioning:
5-Letter 'C' Words: Animal at an oasis:
Onion-like vegetable often used in soups and stews:
Greece - Temple of Olympian answers