Words More Level 303
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Some of these clues may prove to be quite challenging, which is why we are here to assist you. We have provided all the Words More Level 303 answers below to aid you in your solving journey.
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Level 303 - 303.xml
Information stored in a computer:
Used to describe someone who is younger or less experienced:
Containers for holding water or other substances:
Abbreviation for "statistics" or "immediately":
Something Alexander The Great never lost in his 15 years of conquest:
What you might be after losing a bet:
Place something inside something else:
Place to go in the summer for rides and fried food:
Flowers associated with funerals and weddings:
Alexander The Great was a student of this great philosopher:
A deep groove or furrow made by a wheel:
Tulip __ (1630s Dutch market bubble):
Those who require assistance or support:
According to a Roman teacher of the 2nd to 3rd century A.D., Alexander The Great had ... hair:
Greece - King of Macedonia answers