Boring and repetitive - Words More answers
Looking for endless fun in an exciting brain-teasing app? Look no further than Words More - the new and wonderful word game created by Joy Vendor, the mastermind behind some of the best puzzle games on both the Android and Apple stores. Each pack in Words More contains more than 8 levels, with themes ranging from Departures to USA, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, and Australia. What's even better is that all the words in the game have been discovered by our team, and we'll continue to add new ones on a daily basis! However, if you find yourself struggling with a particular level - such as "Boring and repetitive" - don't hesitate to leave a comment below, and we'll be happy to assist you. So, if you're stuck and can't find the right solution, feel free to send us a comment!
Boring and repetitive
The answer to this question:
More answers from this level:
- Something You Find At The Fishing Line: Fishhook attachment:
- Adhesive labels used to mail letters or packages:
- The study of the structure of living things:
- Something You Find At The Fishing Line: Rotten apple resident:
- Devotion and reverence to a religious figure or belief:
- A loud commotion or disturbance:
- Something You Find At The Fishing Line: Certain fishing bait:
- Having the form of the letter "U":
- Enhancements or upgrades to something existing:
- Scientists who study DNA and heredity:
- Abundantly supplied or provisioned:
- Chemicals used to kill bugs:
- Something You Find At The Fishing Line: Fish in cat food:
- The central part of an atom:
- Dish used for growing bacteria:
- Something You Find At The Fishing Line: Sweeping basketball shot:
- Extremely sensitive or aware of:
- Passing something on, like a baton in a race:
- Something You Find At The Fishing Line: Treble's counterpart:
- Visual representation of something:
- Audition or testing for a role or team:
- Short advertisement intended to promote a product or event:
- Extremely unpleasant or shocking:
- Neck accessory or to secure something:
- To remove or free oneself from something:
- To become fully mature or develop:
- Type of red wine grape:
- Abbreviation meaning "and so on" or "and others":
- Wormlike fish:
- Attack word:
- Alleviated:
- Not needing a thing:
- Plant that has become invasive in much of the Eastern U.S.:
- A great difference:
- Sardine container:
- ... Tract: The body's drainage system:
- __ time (when a golfer is scheduled to play):
- Genetic copy:
- Thucydides had one:
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