Big name in camera film - Words More answers
Looking for endless fun in an exciting brain-teasing app? Look no further than Words More - the new and wonderful word game created by Joy Vendor, the mastermind behind some of the best puzzle games on both the Android and Apple stores. Each pack in Words More contains more than 8 levels, with themes ranging from Departures to USA, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, and Australia. What's even better is that all the words in the game have been discovered by our team, and we'll continue to add new ones on a daily basis! However, if you find yourself struggling with a particular level - such as "Big name in camera film" - don't hesitate to leave a comment below, and we'll be happy to assist you. So, if you're stuck and can't find the right solution, feel free to send us a comment!
Big name in camera film
The answer to this question:
More answers from this level:
- Little bit of whiskey:
- Pants pocket's place:
- Cause of an explosion:
- __ of the above:
- "Your point being...?":
- Spice mix for ribs:
- Letters preceding a number:
- Nonverbal sign of agreement:
- Fighting a fever, say:
- "__ me tell you ...":
- I know that __ : I know him:
- __ Gala (annual NYC fashion fundraiser):
- Father's energy converter:
- Great faculty management:
- Like some thin fibers:
- Doesn't leave; remains behind:
- Read between the lines:
- Enclosing on all sides:
- Fish in cat food:
- Greeting from a parade float:
- A measurement in space, for example the height:
- Dog with a dark tongue, informally:
- What a clock might strike:
- Hay storage site:
- One whose coat of arms displays a unicorn:
- Involving 3-D photography:
- It's often shifted after being laid:
- Chess player's warning:
- Complain with good growl:
- To disturb someone and make them feel anxious:
- It has something as its parts or members:
- Nonetheless, informally:
- "__ my pleasure!":
- One of five in a Shakespeare play:
- Telltale evidence of a shark:
- Close, as a suitcase:
- Dairy dweller; bell wearer:
- Storied shelf occupant:
- Make an evasive maneuver:
- Single-stranded genetic material:
- Ankle-length vestment:
- What a fireworks show may inspire:
- "Ideas worth spreading" group:
- Shaped In Triangle: Windsurfing need:
- Shaped In Triangle: Closet accessory:
- Shaped In Triangle: Measuring stick:
- Shaped In Triangle: Lunch order:
- Shaped In Triangle: Giza attraction:
- Shaped In Triangle: Pole wavers:
- Shaped In Triangle: Taco topping:
- Shaped In Triangle: Italian fast food:
- Shaped In Triangle: High ground:
- Shaped In Triangle: Pine product:
Go back to Level 781